Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Who the Heck is This?

My cousins have passed along to me this picture because they thought I would like the antique frame. It has a picture of a gentleman in it but no one seems to know who it is. They only know that it was displayed in their house.

The inscription on the picture reads, "Yours Sincerely, Frederick A. Wilson, in happy remembrance of Sept. 27, 1897". I am intrigued; who is he and what happenned on September 27, 1897? I have Googled the name and date and come up with nothing. I guess I'll just have to make up my own story. Perhaps something romantic.


  1. It is a beautiful frame and Frederick looks like quite the dapper fellow. Hope you find out his story.

  2. Great picture, Chris. I have dozens and dozens of old photographs like that. I,too, wonder who all of them are. I feel as if they are 'lost' from their family. Some of them may be my family!

  3. Oh how interesting! I would be so curious to know who he is. A handsome man and frame. xoxo


I pray that risen from the dead,
In glory I will stand,
A crown perhaps upon my head,
And a needle in my hand.