Thursday, November 29, 2007

The New Mantle

I now have three fireplaces after we put an addition on our home last spring and summer. And I love decorating mantles for Christmas so this was the first one I got decorated.I got everything white that I could find and propped them up here and I like how it looks. The large pitcher on the right comes from my aunt's farm and I treasure it. The other ones I bought at yard sales and consignment stores. This mantle is huge and the ceiling is high so after I had things set up I really wanted a mirror to prop up there for some height so I was about to go look in consignment store when I remembered the oak mirror that is part of a bureau in my daughter's old room. So off the bureau it came and up on the mantle it went and I love it. I think that's going to be a permanent resident there.
And yes, the plywood front on the fireplace is still there. When I asked my husband when we were going to finish the front of the fireplace he said, "I'm not ready yet"!! Now what does that mean? It pretty much still looks like this.
There is actually a gas fireplace in there though so at least I have that. Someday....


  1. All in good time *s* It only took us 14 years to replace the wretched bathroom floors. Now the question on everyone's lips is why did it take so long?

  2. I think what you have done looks wonderful! It will all come together soon...I know it will!

    I am still playing catch up after being away for so long! I am glad to see you are well!

    I will look forward to seeing your home all dressed up for the holidays!


  3. I was roaming around blog land and found your site. It is very nice, I love your quilts.

    I agree with the commentor Meggie, the decorating takes away from the plywood.

  4. I didn't even notice the plywood front until you mentioned it later. ha! I love your mantle decorations... love the cross stitch pieces. Did you make them?


I pray that risen from the dead,
In glory I will stand,
A crown perhaps upon my head,
And a needle in my hand.