Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back Home

I'm back from vacation. It was really hot and humid in NH while we were away from home but we had glorious sea breezes every day in Maine. This is a family cottage that was built by my husband's grandparents in the early 60's and is now used by the family. We have about 10 acres of fields leading down to the shore. We are on a salt water river and the open ocean is just off to the right.
We saw some beautiful sail boats going home after a day of sailing. All those little dots on the water are numerous lobster traps. Make sure you click on the picture to check out the lobster traps. This is lobster country!
We have these wild roses, rosa rugosa, growing all over the property. I used to think my husband's grandmother made up the name rosa rugosa but that's really what they are called and they grow all over Maine.
Sometimes the water is all sparkly. Sometimes it's really foggy too and you never see the water but luckily this week we had perfect views.
Croquet anyone? My kids used to love playing croquet when they were younger. So it's back to reality and the hope that we'll get another week in before fall. I'll share some more photos later. But it really is good to be back to home sweet home.


  1. What a beautiful place to have a vacation home, it looks so tranquil. We've only visited one small corner of Maine, I hope to see more someday.

  2. How nice to be able to get away to such a lovely place! I kept focusing on the word "cool"...I miss "cool"!!

    Longing for autumn,

  3. What a beautiful, beautiful place to relax and renew. Glad you had a wonderful time.

  4. What a wonderful place to escape to!! The lobster traps are interesting... never seen that done before. Do you guys eat a lot of lobster?

  5. Gorgeous! And we have those roses here, too. I love the way they smell. Thanks for sharing. :)

  6. It looks absolutely dreamy! What a great place to relax.

  7. Welcome home. I am glad you had a good vacation. We used to play crochet a lot when I was younger. It has been many years.

  8. Thank you so much for joining! What a beautiful family vacation spot.

  9. Just the most beautiful spot. Your vacation home is amazing. The perfect spot to rest and enjoy life.

    Cool sounds good....is Fall far away? : )



I pray that risen from the dead,
In glory I will stand,
A crown perhaps upon my head,
And a needle in my hand.